Sunday, January 10, 2010

Acer pictum 'Usugumo'

This is such a beautiful maple. The leaves are speckled with white and have been compared to the wings of a bat.

P.S.Keith, can't seem to get my comments to work.
I haven't had any problem growing mine. It is on my deck, which sits about 15' off the ground and gets filtered light. It likes to be on the dry side and I have mine in pine bark/compost about equal parts in a clay pot. The first year I had it, I kept it too moist and it hardly grew any, but now it is growing almost too fast. In 2011 I am really beginning to wonder how I am going to keep this maple containerized. It quickly outgrows its pots, I even pruned it back this year. So far I have not root pruned (scared), but wonder about putting it in the ground.


  1. I have an Usugumo coming this spring also to zone 5. How do you site your container?

    Thanks, Keith

  2. Kay,
    thanks for replying. quite an investment for me on this one and I'd hate to lose it. I will make sure it stays a little dry.

